Colin Dekeersgieter is a poet, editor, and teacher. His debut Opium and Ambergris was selected by Marilyn Chin for the 2023 Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize. His work has appeared in Brink, The Greensboro Review, North American Review, and elsewhere. He holds an MA from the CUNY, Graduate Center and an MFA from New York University. Colin is currently a PhD candidate at UNC, Chapel Hill.
Debut: Opium and Ambergris (Kent State University Press)
"Involuntary Commitment #3" Pleiades 44.2
"Swift Symbiosis" & "Antigone" Brink
"Still Life with Grapes and a Swift" Grey Sparrow Journal
"A Hand's Breadth" & "Contacts" North American Review
"Saturn in Sagittarius" The Greensboro Review
"Visitation" Green Mountains Review
"The Anthologists" The Worcester Review
"La Tarantella" & "Magnificat" The Paris-American
An Interview with Hannah Bonner, Brink
An Interview with UNC's English Department, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
An Interview with Wayne Koestenbaum, Washington Square Review